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Sun.King Electronics Win RMB860 Million New Contracts from Zhangbei Project and Wudongde Project

30 Nov 2018, Sun.King Power Electronics Group Limited (“Sun.King Electronics” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries collectively known as the “Group”) (Stock Code: 580.HK) announced that the Company has recently signed contracts worth approximately RMB860 million in relation to the provision of IGBT and IGBT modules to be used in the flexible DC transmission converter valves for Zhangbei Project and Wudongde Project. Up to now, the Group has signed contracts with total amount of more than RMB1.4 billion relating to the provision of relevant products for the aforementioned two projects. Meanwhile, the contract value from Wudongde Project is expected to grow further as the Company is in negotiations with enterprises winning the contracts for Wudongde Project.

Zhangbei Project refers to ±500kV Zhangbei Flexible DC Transmission Demonstration Project, and Wudongde Project refers to ±800kV Multi-Terminal UHV Transmission Demonstration Project for Power Transmission from Wudongde Power Station to Guangdong and Guangxi.

Both of Wudongde Project’s receiving terminals and Zhangbei Project adopt flexible DC transmission technology, the latest intelligent DC transmission technology which ensures more stable transmission of clean energy when compared to conventional flexible HVDC transmission technology. With the continuous improvement of flexible DC transmission technology and the successful development of ±500kV and ±800kV equipment, the bottlenecks facing new energy transmission can be solved, hence facilitating mass consumption of new energy.

In September 2018, the National Energy Administration issued the “Notice on Accelerating the Planning and Construction of A Batch of Key Power Transmission and Distribution Projects”, calling for the commencement of development of seven planned DC transmission projects by the end of 2019. Of which, ±800kV Qinghai-Henan flexible HVDC Project, ±800kV Shaanbei-Hubei flexible HVDC Project and ±800 KV Baihetan-Jiangsu flexible HVDC Project are under development.

As a leading supplier of high-power semiconductor and ancillary equipment, the Group is the sole or main supplier of numerous products in domestic DC transmission and distribution sector. They include anode saturable resistors, digital IGBT drivers, IGBT modules, power electronic capacitors and laminated busbars. Going forward, the Group will firmly grasp opportunities arising from rapid development of DC transmission projects, further upgrade its existing products and relentlessly develop cutting-edge products and technologies, thereby driving it rapid and sustained development.

Project Overview:

Zhangbei Project is the world’s first flexible DC power grid project with the highest voltage rating and the largest transmission capacity. It is a major project for implementation of the government’s policy to decarbonize domestic power grids. The project was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission in December 2017. While its development is in full swing, the project is expected to come on stream between the end of 2019 and the first half of 2020. It The project includes four sub-projects: three +500kV flexible DC converter stations at the supply terminals located in Kangbao County and Zhangbei County of Zhangjiakou City, and Fengying of Chengde City, and one +500 kV flexible DC converter station at the receiving terminal in Beijing. Upon commencement of its operation, the project will provide an alternative, smart and safe system for large-scale transmission of clean energy to Northern Hebei, thereby ensuring reliable supply of clean energy for the substitution of electricity for coal in Yanqing City of Beijing, the development of electric traction station for Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway and the organization of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

Wudongde Project is the world’s highest voltage multi-terminal flexible HVDC transmission project. It is also the world’s first hybrid flexible HVDC transmission project with the supply terminal using conventional DC transmission technology and the receiving terminal using flexible DC transmission technology. Hydropower generated in Yunnan can thus be transmitted to Guangdong and Guangxi in a more economical and flexible manner. While the supply terminal at the Kunbei converter station in Yunnan utilizes conventional flexible HVDC technology, the receiving terminals at the Liubei converter station in Guangxi and the Longmen converter station in Guangdong adopt flexible flexible HVDC technology. This arrangement facilitates long-distance, large-capacity and high-voltage power transmission in a safe, stable and economical way.